The School Catalog is the official catalog of Hot Springs Beauty College and takes precedence over all previously published versions. This catalog is not intended to nor does it contain all polices that relate to students. Students are held individually responsible for complying with all requirements of the rules and regulations of the School. Failure to read and comply with policies, regulations and procedures will not exempt a student from being governed by and accountable to them.
(Last Updated January 7, 2025)
NACCAS Annual Report Outcomes
NACCAS’ Standard I requires an institution to meet or exceed the following measures of student success:50% graduation; 60% placement; 70% licensure exam pass rate. The cohort is derived from students scheduled to graduate within the same calendar year and who did graduate before November 30 of that calendar year.
(Last updated November 30, 2024)
Student Right To Know
In compliance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act 20 U.S. C. §§1092(a), (e) and (f) as amended, the School collects specified information on campus crime statistics, campus security policies, and institutional completion or graduation rates and all other information required by the Act. Every September, the School will publish an annual report containing all information required by the Act and, provide copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request.
(Last Updated February 6, 2025)
Annual Security Report
The School publishes the Annual Security Report, which includes information about our Campus Security Authorities, how to report a crime, the School’s crime prevention programs, substance abuse, sensitive crimes, emergency notifications, timely warning and other important information about security. The report contains three years of statistics on reported campus or campus-related crimes. A hard copy may be obtained by contacting a school representative.
(Last Updated February 6, 2025)
Title IX Policy
The School’s policy on sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and discrimination on the basis of sex applies to School employees, students, and third parties within the School’s control, including visitors and applicants for employment. Links to the policy and training materials are below.
Title IX Policy
Employee Training Materials
Student Training Materials
(Last Updated January 29, 2025)
Code of Conduct For Student Loans
The U. S. Department of Education requires all colleges and universities to adhere to a code of conduct that specifically applies to student loans.
(Last Updated January 29, 2025)
Net Price Calculator
This tool is designed to help potential and existing students obtain a rough estimate of the fees involved in attending Hot Springs Beauty College.
(Last Updated March 2, 2023)
Student Self-Purchase Kit Information
If a student would like to purchase their kit items individually, themselves, the link above will provide contact information and details necessary to self-purchase the required items.
(Last Updated January 29, 2025)
Non-Discrimination Policy (Disability Accommodations)
It is the policy of Hot Springs Beauty College that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disabilities, genetic information, and/or veteran status, be denied employment with or admission to the school; or be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subject to discrimination under, any program or activity that the School sponsors or conducts.
Individuals with disabilities wishing to request an accommodation must use this form to do so. The form may be downloaded here or requested by contacting the ADA Compliance Coordinator, Andrea Causey at or at 501-802-0938.
For more information:
Disability Accommodations & Grievance Policy
Request For Reasonable Accommodation(s) Form
(Last Updated January 29, 2025)
Cost of Attendance (All Programs)
COA is the amount it will cost a student to go to school. If you are going to school at least half time, the COA is the estimate of books, course materials, supplies and equipment, cost of housing and food (living expenses), transportation expenses, loan fees (excluding any loan fees for non-federal student loans, miscellaneous expenses (including a reasonable amount for the documented cost of a personal computer), allowance for childcare or other dependent care, costs related to a disability, costs of obtaining a license, certification or first professional credential and reasonable costs for eligible study abroad programs.
(Last Updated March 1, 2024)
HEERF Report 6/26/2020
45 day Report of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund
(Last Updated May 25, 2021)
HEERF Expenditure Report
Guidance on usage of funds
(Last Updated June 20, 2020)
Gainful Employment Disclosures (All Programs)
The final program integrity regulations published in the Federal Register on October 31, 2014, and a correction published in the Federal Register on December 4, 2014 [79 FR 64890 and 79 FR 71957] require postsecondary institutions that participate in the student financial assistance programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, to disclose to prospective students certain information about the institution’s Gainful Employment (GE) Programs.
(Last updated July 1, 2019)
Voter Registration
Students are encouraged to register and vote in state and federal elections. Voter Registration and Election Date information for the State of Arkansas can be found at . Voter registration for federal elections can be found at
Hot Springs Beauty College is nationally accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS)
NACCAS is recognized by the United States Department of Education as a national accrediting agency for post-secondary schools and programs of career arts and sciences.